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Top 12 LinkedIn Thought Leader Posts Of 2012 That You Can Use for Your Virtual Assistant Business

LinkedIn is a social networking site for business owners, entrepreneurs and various industry professionals. Filipino virtual assistants, if you're not yet using LinkedIn, I think you should have it this time, and check what's happening inside. Inside LinkedIn there’s a great information bin there called LinkedIn Today where in you can discover what professionals thought leaders are posting, reading and sharing. I been reading some good tips and blogs about business management, as well as career and professional development from great thought leaders posted on LinkedIn blog.
Top 12 LinkedIn Thought Leader Posts Of 2012
By the way LinkedIn Today is a compilation of the most valued blog posted by business professionals and known business writers. LinkedIn Today sources news from over 150 million LinkedIn members to show you: The top articles shared on LinkedIn by people in your network; Who shared the article and what they said about it. ; A homepage customized to your industry, network, and areas of interest.

Here are top 12 LinkedIn Thought Leader Posts Of 2012 That You Can Use for Your Virtual Assistant Business. Like twitter, you can follow these thought leaders/authors inside LinkedIn too. That's an options, but I am suggesting that you should follow them too..

  1. 5 Top Tips for Starting a Successful Business | Richard Branson |  1,164,710 Followers
  2. The No. 1 Career Mistake Capable People Make | Greg McKeown |  16,059 Followers
  3. 3 Pieces of Career Advice That Changed My Life | Jeff Weiner |  212,007 Followers
  4. Working: A Dangerous Form of Procrastination | Gretchen Rubin |  60,793 Followers
  5. The Perfect Job Interview in 8 Simple Steps | Jeff Haden |  10,064 Followers
  6. The TSA As We Know It Is Dead – Here's Why | Christopher Elliott |  10,239 Followers
  7. The Six Lessons I Live By |  Ari Emanuel |  121,413 Followers
  8. The Conscious Lifestyle: Facing Your Stress | Deepak Chopra MD (official) |  340,188 Followers
  9. Why I'm Living on Food Stamps for a Week | Cory Booker |  69,489 Followers
  10. Start Designing Your Life | Tim Brown |  102,033 Followers
  11. What Young Women in Business Need to Know | Naomi Simson |  49,682 Followers
  12. The Top Five Corporate Twitter Disaster of 2012 | Ryan Holmes |  47,628 Followers 
You can read the official blog of The 12 Most Popular Thought Leader Posts on LinkedIn in 2012 here:

"As the year ends, we wanted to know: What posts were the most popular among our 187 million members?  After sifting through the data, one thing quickly became clear: Professionals crave information on how to be better at their jobs. 
That may not be a surprise, of course, but what is interesting is just how popular such content is with members. More than half of this year’s top posts focus on careers in some way, whether it’s starting a new one or improving the current one. The insights came from both the biggest names in business – Richard Branson – and from successful authors like Gretchen Rubin."

As they say, the more you read, the more knowledge that you can have. Make sure you're reading good ideas and stuff coming from great and successful leaders too.

Thanks for reading. If you like what we are sharing here at Virtual Business Matters, please leave a comment below. Thanks and more success for year 2013 and beyond.

At Your Service,
Red Denal

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