November is now the Philippines’ National Reading Month , in fact last November 25 was declared as “ Araw ng Pagbasa ”. I know for sure that this campaign is not only in the Philippines. I believe there are also numbers of progressive countries around the world that are giving national attention and focus on promoting a reading culture especially to the children. Below is the actual statement from Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte: November has been declared National Reading Month . We fully support the Department of Education’s campaign to encourage school children to participate in the month-long reading activities laid out by the DepEd, such as read-a-thons, storytelling sessions, shared readings, and reading camps. According to Education Secretary Armin Luistro, the “DepEd is initiating programs that would promote reading and literacy among the pupils and students, motivate our youth to learn from the lives and works of eminent Filipinos , uphold one
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