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Showing posts from July, 2011

Top 10 Free Website Analytic Tools For Your Blogs

If you already know how to create a blog using Blogger or other platform, then you should also know how to track and analyze some data in your site using a site analytics. To all virtual assistants in the Philippines , and to other bloggers, my tip for you is to use a website analytics right after you created your blog so that you will track more details from the start. You read it right, the moment you published your site, there should be an embedded analytic code running on your site. Remember this, "What Gets Measured Gets Done"   Now, What is a site or website analytics?  According to Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia, Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for business research and market research . Web analytics provides information about the number of visitors to a ...

Social Media Philippines and the Google+ (Plus) Experience

What is the status of social media in the Philippines ? Are there many Filipinos already using Google Plus? Will this baby social media really kills the giant Facebook? Who knows? Let’s wait a few more months. It’s a battle between +1 and Like. Nowadays, the need to connect with other people through online or mobile is not anymore a wants, it’s now part of your basic needs, aside from foods, clothes and shelter. Connection could not only be made through personal or active acquaintances, it could also be through online or via virtual acquaintances. The joy of being free to express our feelings, emotions and ideas are maybe the reasons why there are so many Filipinos now joining on major social media or social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and now, even on Google Plus. Currently there are over 24 million Filipinos in Facebook. In fact the Philippines were even tagged as the social networking capital of the world because of Facebook. That’s not impossibl...

Virtual Assistant Business Philippines Words Of the Day: What is RSS Feed? [Definition]

Virtual Assistant Business Philippines Words Of the Day: What is RSS Feed?  Another technique that a Filipino virtual assistant can use as part of their online research is to subscribe via RSS feed. This can help not only on research  but also to give the researcher the advantage of receiving latest updates from whatever type of niche he or she had selected. Did you observe yourself browsing or researching on the internet and then later you realized that you’ve almost waste your time reading non-informative and non-related sites. It happens to me sometimes. It is really an advantage to subscribe via RSS feed. It will save your internet browsing or surfing time. Since an RSS feed provides a summary or in other case, the whole content of the related article from a website, it also saves the internet user’s time by helping you decide on which items and articles to prioritize when reading or browsing the internet. Those users of this internet technology are usually the early a...

Filipino Virtual Assistant Business Tools Tutorials Philippines First Half 2011 Report

Time is running so fast. Yesterday was just the end of the first half of the year 2011. This month, I want to share you what happened inside this  Filipino Virtual Assistant Business Philippines blog during the last first half. As you may probably noticed, this blog site is new, we're just six months. Started last January. But then allow me to show you some numbers using tools inside Blogger and two Google Apps, which I will also include and will try to share in my future tutorials, like using Google Analytics and FeedBurner.  Let's start. Here they are, some of my little milestone in  this Filipino Virtual Assistant Business Tools Tutorials Philippines Blog: Filipino Virtual Assistant Business Tools Tutorials Philippines First Half 2011 Report   Total of 19,094 Total Page Views as of July 1, 2011 powered by Blogger Stats