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Showing posts from December, 2012

The State of Social Media Marketing in the Philippines [Year End Review for 2012]

Welcome to Virtual Business Matters. Today, VBM will going to talk about  The State of Social Media Marketing in the Philippines for the Year 2012 . This is a year end review about the status of Filipino social media. Before we dig dive into the Philippines, let's zoom out a bit to Asia first.  Asia is the fasting growing region for social media compare to other region all over the world, and the Philippines is one of the leading country in terms of social media participation, in fact we're being named as the social networking capital of the world . Social Media Marketing Philippines 2012 Before we go through, let's define Social Media. What is Social Media? Based on ... " Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, exchange and comment contents among themselves in virtual communities and networks."  Facebook still rules. It  remains the favorite social networking site of the Filipinos . ...

Top 12 LinkedIn Thought Leader Posts Of 2012 That You Can Use for Your Virtual Assistant Business

LinkedIn is a social networking site for business owners, entrepreneurs and various industry professionals. Filipino virtual assistants, if you're not yet using LinkedIn, I think you should have it this time, and check what's happening inside. Inside LinkedIn there’s a great information bin there called LinkedIn Today where in you can discover what professionals thought leaders are posting, reading and sharing. I been reading some good tips and blogs about business management, as well as career and professional development from great thought leaders posted on LinkedIn blog. Top 12 LinkedIn Thought Leader Posts Of 2012 By the way LinkedIn Today is a compilation of the most valued blog posted by business professionals and known business writers. LinkedIn Today sources news from over 150 million LinkedIn members to show you: The top articles shared on LinkedIn by people in your network; Who shared the article and what they said about it. ; A homepage customize...

Google Zeitgeist Philippines 2012 [Top 10 Searches In The Philippines]

Finally, the  Google Zeitgeist Philippines for 2012  is now officially announced on Google Blog . If you're wondering what happened last year, you may Google it or just check this out: Google Zeitgeist Philippines 2011 . Google truly rules. The number one search engine company in the universe. In their website, it says..."1.2 trillion searches. 146 languages.  What did the world search for in 2012 ?" Check it for yourself. You can select other countries too. Google Zeitgeist Philippines 2012 According to Google, "The data here is normalized meaning it represents how many searches this year, relative to the total number of searches over time. This doesn't represent absolute search volume, but searches presented on a scale from 0-100.". You may also watch this trending YouTube video too. ... Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review:  Looking at the top searches in the Philippines, the following are the sub categories: by Searches, People...