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Social Media Philippines and the Google+ (Plus) Experience

What is the status of social media in the Philippines? Are there many Filipinos already using Google Plus? Will this baby social media really kills the giant Facebook? Who knows? Let’s wait a few more months. It’s a battle between +1 and Like.

Nowadays, the need to connect with other people through online or mobile is not anymore a wants, it’s now part of your basic needs, aside from foods, clothes and shelter. Connection could not only be made through personal or active acquaintances, it could also be through online or via virtual acquaintances.

The joy of being free to express our feelings, emotions and ideas are maybe the reasons why there are so many Filipinos now joining on major social media or social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and now, even on Google Plus.

Currently there are over 24 million Filipinos in Facebook. In fact the Philippines were even tagged as the social networking capital of the world because of Facebook. That’s not impossible because majority of the Filipinos are usually hospitable, cool, funny and vulnerable, and many Filipinos today specially the young ones can easily adapt to the shift of new technology every now and then, not only on gadgets but also in online or in internet applications.

Social media in the Philippines is really dominated by Facebook, with 93.9% user penetration. That’s a huge number. That large number could also an effect of the social media user transfer from the now defunct Friendster which used to be the hideout of every Filipino internet users. Now, with the turn of events, Google invented Google+. Many internet users are saying the Google+ (Plus) are just another copycat of Facebook, but for me it’s not.

The time Google+ was release its experimental stage, a lot of people, including me were excited what it looks like. Add me on Google+ if you want. Google is really good in viral marketing like what they did on Gmail. Remember, you cannot create a Gmail Account if you were not invited, right? Google Plus just did the same and it’s really viral, now they have almost 10 million active users after they launched their service last June 28, 2011. As of this writing, Google Plus is still in limited field trial. They are still testing with a small number of people, but they said it won't be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. You can leave a comment if you want a Google+ invitation.

There are a lot of innovations in Google Plus compare to Facebook. And even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had joined Google+ and now dominating a lot of followers. Actually a lot of people were asking and were doubtful why the CEO of Facebook would join Google Plus, their competitor. Mark’s reply was “Why are people so surprised that I’d have a Google account?” Well, I think he’s just testing the water. I guess you also noticed that when Google Plus added a service called Hangout, Facebook also launched Facebook Video Chat. Now you know why Mark is there, just kidding.

If you want to become Filipino virtual assistant or if you want to become a social media manager, you should explore Google Plus as soon as possible. 

How about you, are you already inside Google Plus? If not, leave your comment below saying, “Please invite me” or anything you want to say about Google Plus. You can leave your email, or if you want email privacy, just PM me on my Facebook account:

There you have it. Just keep coming back for more information about social media in the Philippines, Internet marketing in the Philippines and virtual assistant business.

To Your Virtual Business Success,
Red Denal

Founder: Virtual Business Matters
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PS. Help me promote "Virtual Business Matters" page in Facebook and help us on the 1000 Likes in 100 Days Challenge. Check this link and LIKE our page: Thanks.

Like Us in Facebook. Click the Bulls Eye 


  1. me sir. =)! thanks!

  2. Red paki-invite ako, Thanks!

  3. Hi Luranski and Nonoy. Done. Please let me know once you're in. Thanks.

  4. Kuya pa-invite ako please,

  5. Done Ronnix27. Please let me know if you're in. :)


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