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4 Ways to Earn From the Internet the Right Way [Part 1 of 2]

Do you want to earn from the internet the right way? Do you want to earn in dollars while spending in Philippine Peso? How about $500 to $4000 per month doing it on the side? Sweet, right?

Let’s stop keep asking basic questions like, “how to use the internet” or “Is it true that we can earn from the internet?” Stop it. Now, let’s start asking question like how to earn from the internet.

4 Ways to Earn From the Internet the Right Way

Learn and then earn. Allow me to show you how we can do it too. Just last Sunday I attended a free live webinar conducted by my online marketing mentor Jomar Hilario. His topic is about how to create income from the internet. He said there are four ways on how to earn money online. You can select from this four ways. Let's do it!

1. Earn Through Blogging

Blogging is not the fastest way to earn money online. Actually it’s the slowest way particularly if you don’t know what you are doing and if you are not using the right strategies and tools. It’s true that it will take you a year just to earn a few dollars; some took even years before they got their first 100 dollars. Of course there are also other techniques that you need to learn on blogging just to lessen those long months or even years of waiting. 

The world really changes and the internet is one of the fastest changing industries in the world. If you are an old blogger who already earned and still earning you know what I’m talking about. Old blogger who did it the right way from the word go already earned a lot from blogging but this time earning from blogging is not just like those old days.  But don’t worry history is repeating itself, we never know, just start blogging and earn later. 

How does a blogger earn? Blogging can earn passive income through online ads. What ads? Like Google AdSense and other image banners or text ads. AdSense is the most popular passive income of majority of the bloggers. But Google is very strict. Getting an account approval is really hard this time.  If you don’t want to be rejected, you need to keep on blogging for 5 months or more before you apply for a Google AdSense account.  

Now, you can do it for free. Last time I posted a tutorial on how to create an account on and create your own blog series. Blog like crazy on the things that you want, say one blog per day, 30 blogs per month. Just keep on blogging. If you want you can do 3 blogs per day. Again, try to blog first for minimum of 5 months before you apply for an AdSense account. AdSense is not the only source of passive income on the internet. Don’t limit yourselves on Adsense, you can also try other alternatives like Nuffnang, Chitika, Infolink and among others.  

2. Being an Online Marketer

Online or Internet Marketing is much better than just blogging. Most people like the result and outcome of being an internet marketer than the result of just blogging. Online marketing is like direct marketing. The only difference is that it is through online. If you are an expert on marketing, that’s an advantage. 

It’s also different from Online Seller like those people selling stuff on ebay. I am not disregarding online selling on Ebay, that’s also another source of income. Online marketing is way different from online selling. Online marketer is using different tactics, tools and strategies. If you’re an online marketer, you can earn as much as $1,000,000 per week, Sweet! But we don’t have to go to $1,000,000 a week, P1,000,000 a year doing it on the side is enough right? Sound sweet but this is not an overnight success. Internet marketing is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme. There are so many strategies, network and mentors we need before we attain the level and lifestyle of an internet marketer.

The advantage of being an online marketer is that your enjoying it in a geo arbitrage way. Yes! Earning dollars or Euros and spending it in Philippines Pesos. You need to be an expert in Marketing and the tools on the internet. Try to imitate Dan Kennedy, follow Jay Conrad Levinson’s Guerilla Marketing. Read book and blogs on business and marketing like Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, Tim Ferris and among others . Try to study lesson on direct marketing. Know the difference between Salesman and Marketer. 

Did you know that without the marketing the sales is useless. The brochures, script or even the model of the car and the dress code of the Salesman is created, strategized and designed by marketer. If you want to become an Internet Marketer, learn how to create a marketing mind and think like a marketer. Learn not to sell to everyone. 

Jomar also recommended the following tools. These are the tools we need to become an internet marketer:
  1. Hosting Site – Hosting site is like the hard disk of your blog or website.
  2. Use an Autoresponder. It is an online based CRM or Customer Relationship Management. On internet marketing, there’s also a CRM and that is called Autoresponder. Autoresponder is not to automatically response, it’s use is to send an email, or send email series.  For free autoresponder: try 
  3. Create a blog or a landing page – this is the venue where you give more information and values to your readers. Here you can provide free information in exchange of your readers info like their name and email. 
Online marketing is still alien to most number of people especially for those business owner nowadays. Use your imagination now. This type of people could be your market. He're my advice before you start on internet marketing, just learn from the best so you get rid of the stress. 

So there you have it, the first two of the four ways on how to earn from the internet the right way. I will reveal the other two on my next post. Thanks and God bless.

Click HERE to read the Part 2 series of  the "4 Ways to Earn From the Internet the Right Way"

At Your Service,
Red Denal

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  1. Making money through blogging is the only inspiration about why I make blogs which is opposed to what everybody claims that it has to be my passion or interest. Anyway, you mentioned here two of the best money making method that I also implement and generate just a small amount of money on my pocket.

  2. @Gerald: Thanks for dropping by. Actually there are two ways of making money through blogging. Either you do it for passion or for profit. btw, you can find the other two here:

  3. "Blogging is not the fastest way to earn money online." I agree, but, it's the most simple way to earn money online. It's so easy to monetize a blog. You need to make sure you have fresh, unique content that your target market loves and drive traffic to it.

  4. If you are diligent enough to blog, making money out of it is within your grasp

  5. Making money online through blogging is not easy it takes a lot of effort to gain friends and network in orderr to succeed.

  6. I Love this Article! The New Economy is going to be filled with Entrepreneurs like Bloggers and Marketers. The old Hourly or salary way is gone.

  7. Earning money online got many roads to traverse. But it is true, blogging is not always a sure fire to get rich or at least earn a decent income. However, if you are willing and active, success is just right in the corner.


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