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WealthStrategies 101 - Avoid the Free Lunch Attitude – A Lesson Learned From Bo Sanchez' The Truly Rich Club

Have you encountered an office-mate  a friend or a classmate saying, “I will only go out for lunch if someone will treat me…”  or heard a conversation something like this… 
Friend#1:  Someone invited me on a seminar about Financial Mindset and Financial Literacy Matters. Do you want to go with me? I am sure we will learn from this.
Friend#2: Is it free?
Friend#1: Nope, there’s a fee. Not free.
Friend#2:  I can’t go. I don’t have money. I will ONLY attend if it’s FREE. 
End of conversation.

Here’s the lesson I got from Bo Sanchez' The Truly Rich Club monthly newsletter "WealthStrategies":
“If you’re receiving a free lunch today (in any form), thank God for it. Perhaps your parents are still giving you money. 
Perhaps you live with your parents and they don’t ask you to share in the expenses. Perhaps a best friend always treats you out. 
Perhaps a Ninang (godmother) always gives you a monthly allowance even if you’re already 27 years old. 
But for the sake of your own personal growth, I urge you: Graduate from free lunches.
Move on. Grow up! 
Free lunches are crutches. They’re there to help you while your legs heal. But once they’re healed, you need to throw away the crutches. 
If you don’t throw away the crutches, your legs will never be fully healed. 
In the same way, if you don’t avoid free lunches, you’ll never grow in your capacity to earn.”

Let’s break the free lunch attitude. Remember the people that always looking for free. I am sure they will not grow. Success has a price, my friend. You need to pay for it. Pay if forward. I heard this somewhere, "The worst advice that you can have is a free advice" Not all... I guess... but if it came from people with credibility and authority, it's a different story. But if it came from people "who know everything but master of nothing" (in tagalog: sa mga taong "madaming alam pero wala naman tukoy"), a piece of advice... don't listen to them.

Another one. Let me borrow this quotation from Derek Bok, he said…”If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”  So how about that?

If you're working now, you probably go to school for about 14 to 20 years before you acquired your current position now. Or maybe...after 20 years or so, you're still in school just to get additional degree. And that's not FREE, right? Probably you spent thousand or millions already.  

Same is true in seeking an advice of finding a good mentor, it's not always free. You need to pay for it. The good thing is it doesn't always in monetary form. Paying is not always in monetary form. But that's special case. If you have relatives or a friends that can teach you, go for it. Ask them to teach you in return of value added services from you. But if you have money, and you don't have any access to a mentor-like-relative or a mentor-close-friend, you can always look for someone to guide you. Just find them. or try The Truly Rich Club

Thanks for reading this blog and review about Bo Sanchez mentoring club.

See you at the top.


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