Find Your Emotional Why and Discover Your Hunger. That is the message. Allow me to borrow these two nice quotations from two great guys, Yanik Silver and Martin Luther King, Jr. They said "If you have a big enough reason to get something done, there’s almost no way you can fail."-Yanik Silver ; "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live." -Martin Luther King, Jr. . Very true, Isn't it?
For me this is very important: to understand why do we exist and why do we matter. Below is an example of Truly Rich Club video wherein Bo Sanchez, the founder of this private mentoring club discusses the topic, "Find Your Emotional Why". Watch the video below:
I truly believe that God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them. Here's the question that we need to ponder: Question: Why do people fail to reach their goals? Bo Sanchez said that the answer is: Because they’ve not yet discovered their emotional why. The reason why you’re not able to do it is because you haven’t found a big enough reason to change. So, we should be start discovering our big WHY.
"You need a fierce emotional reason to become wealthy — or it won’t happen. Here’s why: We make choices based on emotional reasons, not logical ones. (Oh yes, after the choice, we justify with logical reasons. But the initial reason is always emotional.) The reasons must always come from the heart, not just from the brain."
For more information about the Truly Rich Club, go to this link or hit the button below.
Red Denal
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PPS. If you want to see the complete video of Bo Sanchez' PowerTalk: "Find Your Emotional Why"
Check this link NOW:
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