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Filipino Virtual Assistant: The 7 Essential Benefits (Part 2/2)

This is the second part of my entry "Filipino Virtual Assistant: The 7 Essential Benefits".

On the first part I discussed the first three benefits. You can check the first part here:
Filipino Virtual Assistant: The 7 Essential Benefits (Part 1 of 2)

1. It will give you a better source of additional income.
2. You will be working at home
3. Being able to focus on the skills and strenght you have

Now, Let me me share you the remaining four:

Filipino Virtual Assistant

4. Learn a lot of new skills
5. Increase your level of confidence
6. You can expand your network
7. It's Tax-Free

4. Learn a lot of new skills

In the world of the internet, every second there is something new. As you go along being a virtual assistant, you will learn different strategies and skills specially on how to do internet marketing and online business. You will learn not only from your business clients but also on your own research on what is going on around the internet world. You will learn more tools and useful websites as well.

The mindset should be learn new and then do and implement it right away instead of retaining on the status quo. Let me give your a piece of advice. Don't just look and learn new skills all the time. I read this from the book "For Richer and For Poorer-Why The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Poorer":
"What you hear, your forget. What you see, you remember. What you do, you understand."-Chinkee Tan
True, Isn't it?

5. Increase your level of confidence

When you developed your skills as a VA you will also develop your discipline and your patience in doing your tasks. Having said that, that's the time it will also increase your level of confidence.

Most internet marketers and business owners abroad are doing their businesses by outsourcing to the Philippines because they like Filipino virtual assistant. Why? Because hiring a Filipino virtual assistant make them the right choice since Filipinos are hard workers and have a work ethic compared to other virtual assistants abroad.

So, the mindset of getting ahead from other nationality as a Filipino virtual assistant will also increase your level of confidence in the first place. Not only that, virtual assistants in the Philippines are well-educated and easy to learn.

Some gurus says that increasing ones level of self confidence is an important part of self-development and the key to success. In any business weather online of offline, if you're confident at what you are doing, you will succeed.

6. Expand your network

There are many type of VA. If you're a kind of virtual assistant who probably involve in video or audio conferencing with your client's client, your will also have a chance to talk to them directly.

In that way and by doing it regularly, you can also build your list of people to whom you can learn and become more successfull in your online business deals.

Your happy and successful clients can also refer you to others who are also in need of your services. So... if you're thinking that you will be run out of business client, the answer is NO, there will be numbers of them looking for you.
As a virtual entrepreneur, your network is also your net worth. Yes! if you expand your network, you will also expand your net worth.
Providing virtual assistance services really involves socializing with people. Not only through online but also offline, as you go along you will met a lot of likeminded people here in the Philippines. You can even set a meetups or masterminding discussions with the other VA here in the Philippines.

7. It's Tax-Free

If you are an employee, your tax will be automatically deducted, and its very painful seeing it from paycheck to paycheck, right? Well, as a virtual entrepreneur or self-employed entrepreneur, you will declare your own tax. You need to take care of your own taxes, that's the reason I said it's Tax-Free.

It can be No-Tax-At-All. This is controversial and I think there are still debate related to this because of the lack of existing law. There's still no clear implementing rules or law pertaining to virtual assistance services because providing a VA is currenly still part on the underground economy. As a virtual assistant, you are paid on a contract and therefore no taxes will have to be paid by you or the employer.

If you know any law, please comment below and correct me if I'm wrong.

So there you have it, the Filipino Virtual Assistant: The 7 Essential Benefits.

If you have comment, please leave your decent comment below.


  1. Nice post..that's really interesting. On a side note,hiring virtual assistant from the Philippines can give you more time to focus on other business matters since Virtual Assistants from the Philippines are trained to give attention to and concentrate on making sure that most, if not all, of your administrative duties are off your hands. Leaving you more energy and clearer focus to do the real work — generate more revenues for your company.

  2. Well said infinitywebsolutions. Thanks for that good remark about Virtual assistant business here in the Philippines.

  3. @boy, Thanks. Just keep coming back for more FREE tutorials and tips on how to become fully skilled virtual info-preneur (VIP

  4. Great post, I cannot agree more with these benefits. I’m also working as a freelancer and one of the best benefits that I love when working as a virtual assistant is to work from home and manage your own time. It allows me to do whatever I like as long as I can satisfy the client based on their standard and the given time frame. A good way to do when looking for clients as a freelance virtual assistant is to pass resume on different freelancing site sites like and You could even try on social media like twitter and LinkedIn. It gives me better chances of having a client in no time.

  5. Great list of benefits right there and it's definitely right. Filipino VAs are awesome, highly talented people and enthusiast. Getting a Filipino Virtual Assistant is indeed a right choice. :)


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